Thursday, December 8, 2011

Face Time

Everybody who's anybody is on facebook these days. Hell, even me. And we all know that we only use facebook for one purpose: shooting our mouths off.

But, at the end of the day, what is it that we are really mouthing off about?

Well today, facebook released the top 10 status trends from the past year. This is what we, collectively,  been blah-blah-blahing over:

#1 - The death of Osama bin Laden
#2 - The Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl
#3 - Casey Anthony being found not guilty
#4 - Charlie Sheen and his meltdown.
#5 - The death of Steve Jobs
#6 - The royal wedding
#7 - The death of Amy Winehouse (most of which were jokes, I'm sure)
#8 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
#9 - The beginning of military operations in Libya
#10 - Hurricane Irene

I wonder what we will be talking about next year? Hopefully it won't be the crash and burn of a certain night-time radio DJ...

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